Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why the IPL is good for India's economy

Who the hell knows. But that shouldn't be a reason for not talking about it. The first rule of bakar is that it is good. The second rule is, the more you do it the better it gets. Having established these fundamental tenets of bakardom, lets move on.

The episode took place during the 40 odd days before the recently concluded IPL.
A raging issue was plaguing most intellectually vacant minds. Is the IPL good for India's economy? Why or why not?
Most experts reached the consensus that the IPL makes a lot of money. Not much confusion there. Its when they tried to figure out how exactly all this money gets distributed that all hell broke loose. These experts presented highly varied opinions on this matter ranging from insightful ones like "the IPL induces spending by the people, which is a good thing for the economy" to supremely insightful ones like "What money? I haven't made any money" to mind-blowing, world-changing ones like "Chumba Wumba Ola Ho". A lot of these opinions were presented in blog posts in the blogosphere (where else) and helped Google make more money on ads. But this did nothing to dissolve the uncertainty in the air. Does anyone care? Will someone find a way out?

They didn't. But nobody was disappointed. Here, finally, was a topic to argue about and it was not going to be snatched away by some smart ass who solved the issue just to appear smart (many believe this is also the reason why the Bermuda Triangle mystery, the Area 51 controversy, life on Mars, the falling of the great jibblets and many such unsolved issues have remained unsolved to this day).

Then, all of a sudden, it was decided by the country's leadership that the IPL will, in fact, be held outside India for security reasons, thereby bringing a rather abrupt halt to the all the intellectually stimulating bakardom. It seemed to be a hopeless situation to many. Some even posted emails entirely in capital letters to express extreme anger over such callous behavior by the Government. Just when the law and order situation seemed to be spiralling out of control, a smart ass showed up (the same smart ass who didn't bother to solve the original issue). His suggestion was as simple as it was elegant. It was also short. "Lets discuss why the IPL is good for South Africa's economy", he said.

It took a while to sink into everyone's head. But when it did, there was joy again. The sky was blue again, the birds chirping, there was bakar on everybody's lips and the world was a better place.



  1. Yes, but will no man help the widow's son?

  2. alan moore might....i was also wondering if he would consider making a comic on ipl - the smart ass would be Adrian who tried to save the day - kkr would be like the pathetic loser of watchmen who shows up just to get beaten badly.
