Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dawning of a new Dawn, Crowning of a New Crow

It is at the end of a caffeine fuelled, metal inspired, completely random day that I type. The first inkling of that has to be the title.

Read that title. Understand the import of it.

As we, as heralds of a greater tomorrow, stand on the cusp of greatness, basking in our new found insignificance, completely aware of the challenges that await us as we stride into uncertainty, face the new dawn, let us realize the magnitude of what it will take. If you have understood any of that, if you have peeked into a picturesque vista of randomness that was the lack of logical though culminating in a long sentence, then you my friend need help.

I stand to make each post a cathartic experience and the scope afforded by the curiously intelligent gaze of a blank text box, but affords that.

I stand to impress upon all you acolytes of comfort, children of a generation born into apathy and bred into indifference, that standing is sometimes good as your legs will otherwise fall asleep.

I stand because I can, plus my boss says I always sit.

I can blog on a host of aspects. The complete lack of direction and the final futility of life that is striking us like a blonde in a red dress, now that we're "grown ups" and working. Cloistered as we've always been by the niches of academia and home, we've all now come face to face with the randomness of working life and the complete lack of purpose that is the tenuous pursuit of "remaining". All we can ask is why. Am i a nihilist? No. Nihilists had it all wrong. Succumb to the ultimate paradox of self awareness they all did. Moving on.

I can blog on a host of aspects. Why did the plane crash off brazil? Why did Nadal lose? Is it all random? Is a good presentation contingent on the hopes and expectations of my bosses? Is it all so subjective in the end that nothing matters?

The purpose of this post is this, now. If you've read till this point, realize : It's all random. We are children of randomness and the best we can do it to love it. The meandering exercise that was the pursuit of reaching this one paragraph is a reflection of the meandering route through life, perhaps. Or maybe it's just the coffee talking.

Either way, I dont mean to pontificate, I mean to waste your time. Love it.

The End.


  1. Didn't need to read the author's name at the bottom to find out that this was talon's post. The Yoda-Speak is too obvious :)

  2. Funda from the TIME magazine: "Backward ran the sentences till reeled the mind"

  3. btw heard you are going to offices on sundays as well....articulation of randomness or nothing to do at home ??

  4. Talon dude,

    your "can can" hero is making a movie with "Kangana Ranaut" ....I know itz orgasm n nightmare both at the same time for u :P
