Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Micro Blog.... (because its IN)

Wear Che tees, smoke pot, while away time doing adda, pretend to discuss anthropology seriously, be a secret agent for the Chinese, say that you love Calcutta Coffee House, Be a New Age Commie. No wait..... that's still old school commie. Damn you CPM brain washers !!!!!


  1. Karl Marx had a dream. It was slowly and gradually becoming a reality. Lenin started poisoning it. Stalin paralyzed it. Fidel Castro stabbed it. Kim Jong 2 killed it. The CP(I)M finally peed on its grave :)

  2. If the CP(I)M continues to be as stupid as it is today, 2011 will see the whole party getting "Lal Salaam"ed out of Bengal :P
