Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In the beginning god created earth; Discussions and formal communique were upon its face. The spirit of god died everyday within him (or her??) listening to it all.
And God Said: Let there be random bakar: and there was random bakar
And God saw random bakar, that it was good: and he has been happy ever since.

Ok, enough with that already....let me just say this blog will be anything but an attempt to glorify what we were taught (and what we didn't do a good job of learning from) about finance, marketing, OR, strategy or statistics. Although we might have some basic economics stuff - nothing too flashy or showy. We know that we are no pros to be taken seriously. Not yet anyways.

So, we will be writing on a collection of disparate topics - ranging from Serial Killers to popular Music, Movies to Comparitive Mythology to Particle Physics. Oh, we will particularly pin up stuff that comes up in bakar sessions with friends and seems too weird or interesting to not jot down.

We expect loads of comments because we are hoping to make this popular and our final intention is to make money by putting google ad-sense on the blog. A la Gordon Gekko.

Naah, just kidding! Or am I ??? :D

PS: Is god a him or her ??

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